Garage door opener replacement can easily become a daunting experience if you don’t know your options and why choose one model over another. What often comes in the way is the right choice of motors. So far we have been talking about screw, chain, and belt drive garage door openers. We have analyzed their pros and cons and always tried to find the best solutions for each garage. But now things get more complicated only to make our lives easier. This is not a paradox. It’s a fact. It might be hard to select a motor but once you do, you get the convenience you wanted all along. And that’s the reason why you should go for a DC garage door motor. Read More
Which Garage Door Parts Are Damage-Prone During Hurricanes
What makes hurricanes really dangerous is the speed of winds. What makes garage doors the most vulnerable part in the house is their large size. During a hurricane or fierce storm, the high wind might break trees or branches. Debris and elements fly and might strike against any surface. The largest the surface the biggest the possibility of damage. That’s why oversized and double-car garage doors are inclined to break easier than single panel ones. And that’s the first thing you should keep in mind when you are considering garage door replacement in hurricane prone areas. A double door is always a bigger hazard.